Is that a week's worth? You almost want to leave a little note "Um... I write about wine."
Our trips to the recycling center to take ours in on a monthly basis is equally amusing. They don't pick up glass here, so a month's worth of wine bottles is a sight to behold. We question ourselves, then head home and open a new bottle.
That said, we have a bad habit of not finishing every bottle as well. Need to work on that I think.
Hey guys, it's actually 2 weeks worth. I'm over questioning how much wine I consume, and now busy living with feeling guilty for all the glass I waste. Those wineries with refillable bottles are looking more and more attractive. Boxed wine anyone?
Box wine?!?! Who would drink that? :) I guess at least the boxes go in a different recycling bin right? I did notice upon my consumption of said boxed wine last night, that most of it is recyclable. Oh and yeah that whole off the sauce thing lasted two days. Ooopsies!
No worries...looks like my bin every week. I'm sure my teetotaler neighbors always hear the clinking glass as I haul everything out to the curb and shake their heads in disapproval. Or that may be because I'm hauling it all out a midnight in my undies with a glass of wine in hand.
Erin, I knew it wouldn't last long, you work at a winery for god's sake!!
Joe, thanks for gracing my site with your presence and your voice. I wish I could snap a photo of you on trash night, it would be a much better Wordless Wine Wednesday. :) Please visit again soon!!
Before we started using refillable growlers for beer, Monday morning recycling made me hang my head a little. But just a little because goodness sakes, I have children, I need the spirits!
Looks like ours.. Amy LOVES Otis...
The old guy in our neighborhood who collects bottles stopped me last week and asked "doesn't anybody drink beer out of a bottle anymore?"
I get really embarassed when we miss a week and I have to put an overflowing box out.
must have been a good night. 0_o
Is that a week's worth? You almost want to leave a little note "Um... I write about wine."
Our trips to the recycling center to take ours in on a monthly basis is equally amusing. They don't pick up glass here, so a month's worth of wine bottles is a sight to behold. We question ourselves, then head home and open a new bottle.
That said, we have a bad habit of not finishing every bottle as well. Need to work on that I think.
Hey guys, it's actually 2 weeks worth. I'm over questioning how much wine I consume, and now busy living with feeling guilty for all the glass I waste. Those wineries with refillable bottles are looking more and more attractive. Boxed wine anyone?
Box wine?!?! Who would drink that? :) I guess at least the boxes go in a different recycling bin right? I did notice upon my consumption of said boxed wine last night, that most of it is recyclable. Oh and yeah that whole off the sauce thing lasted two days. Ooopsies!
No worries...looks like my bin every week. I'm sure my teetotaler neighbors always hear the clinking glass as I haul everything out to the curb and shake their heads in disapproval. Or that may be because I'm hauling it all out a midnight in my undies with a glass of wine in hand.
Erin, I knew it wouldn't last long, you work at a winery for god's sake!!
Joe, thanks for gracing my site with your presence and your voice. I wish I could snap a photo of you on trash night, it would be a much better Wordless Wine Wednesday. :) Please visit again soon!!
Before we started using refillable growlers for beer, Monday morning recycling made me hang my head a little. But just a little because goodness sakes, I have children, I need the spirits!
Cheers to that Rachel!! Ya know, there are wine kegs now, look for blogpost to come soon!!
That looks familiar! Glad to see some Panther Creek in there!!
Hilarious Kendra, I hoped you would catch that!
I realized part of my guilt lies in the fact that my neighbors are both in AA. I hate feeling like the evil temptress next door :)
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