Memorial Day weekend typically indicates the start of winery touring season almost like a pistol signals the start of a race. As more and more people become aware of what a fairly inexpensive recreational activity wine tasting can be (I said wine tasting, not wine buying, though hopefully the former does lead to the latter), and with tasting rooms popping up quicker than dandelions, wineries may often find themselves pouring to a packed house. There are some things you should keep in mind which can help you plan a winning winery tour day, you’ll find them in my article on
Cork’d. Until we sip again…
Alright! Great job on the cork'd article. I do- however- have some thoughts:
1) wine tasting always leads to wine buying somehow
2) i'll be testing the "don't bring the kids" theory in Sept in Sonoma when I have my 3-month old with me :)
3) I respect the spitting part, but as the wine country driver 99% of the time, can I veer towards stumbling drunk when I'm not driving to get back at all those I had to drive around?
4) One I've always enjoyed: talk to the owner about something other than wine (if you're sticking around for a while). I once asked an owner, "do you ever get sick of talking about wine?" Thinking she'd say "no way", I was surprised when she said "oh yeah." So, we enjoyed the wine and talked about other stuff!
yuck... there's nothing worse than fighting traffic and drunken wine wannabe's on memorial and thanksgiving weekends.
You should email me.. we're going to some pickup parties on saturday and I'm pretty sure one of our wineries is on your list.
If you're not free Saturday, get away for a few hours sunday afternoon. I can guarantee you that you've NEVER tasted the Oregon Pinot Noir that I'll be tasting.... it's right in Portland and it's a true hidden gem.
Thank you and for the comments Joe!
1. I hope so.
2. 3-mo-olds don't count as kids, they're still in baskets so perfectly acceptable, not so for dogs.
3. No, but you can still enjoy.
4. Good point, but perhaps the winemaker was a better salesperson and thought you just wanted to talk about something else. Three things most winemakers love to talk about, wine, beer and themselves.
Hey Todd, there is something worse than traffic and wine wannabees on holiday weekends, people who don't follow these simple suggestions!!
I'm out of town on Sat, but hitting the trail on Sunday for sure… I'd love to discover your hidden gems!!
Love your list. Thanks for the fun, straight-talking delivery.
1) I know so. I have the obnoxious receipts to prove it.
2) Outstanding!
3) Dammit.
4) Well, I said I wanted to snag a few bottles at the very beginning, so perhaps the pressure was off to enjoy a bottle or two over the course of the afternoon.
i know i should be spitting more often but it's tough for a "proper" lady like myself to maintain face when i'm spitting red wine into a spittoon. not a good look for me LoL.
great stuff! nice tips
This is great! As a former tasting room manager this is not too far from the truth, people can be ridiculous! Great work.Quality iBeacons Online
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