For those new to the Twitterverse, a Twitter Tasting is just a simple online tasting party. For two hours, people from all over will be tasting and talking about Pinot noir in various settings—from bars, restaurants, tasting rooms—even the comfort of their own home. For more information about Twitter Community Wine Tastings, visit http://www.facebook.com/TasteAndTweet
You should know though that this isn't just an ordinary Twitter Tasting. This is the ultimate Pinot Play-Off! You may remember some of the successful tasting events of the past, beginning with Rick Bakas of St. Supery's brainchild #Chardonnay and continuing with Josh Wade of Drink Nectar's #WAMerlot and then his ingenious follow-up #WAwine. According to Josh, 370 people on Twitter and about 50 people on Facebook contributed 1850-2000 updates about #WAWine. Additionally, it's estimated between 1000-1500 (approx) people attended various tasting events across the state. Well, the Pinot Play-Offs are going to blow those away!
What sets this event apart from any other Twitter Tasting? People everywhere will have the unique opportunity to determine which Pinot producing region reigns supreme simply by tweeting and using an additional two-character hashtag after #PinotNoir. For example, if you’re favorite Pinot is from Oregon, simply tag the end of your tweets with: #PinotNoir #WV and voila voila, you've voted… easy breezy.
Some examples:
#WV – Willamette Valley, Oregon
#NV – Napa Valley, CA
#RR – Russian River Valley, CA
#CN – Carneros, CA
#SB – Santa Barbara, CA
#SN – Sonoma Coast, CA
#MN – Mendocino, CA
#SC – Santa Cruz, CA
#BU – Burgundy, FR
#NZ – New Zealand
#?? – Add your own!
The evening will culminate with tallying the votes and giving the winning wine region the hearty pat on the back they've worked so hard to earn—right there, directly in front of the online world, for millions of people to see! And yes, we will really be counting the votes. No, nobody's for sale (right Joe?). Definitely YOUR VOTE COUNTS, so vote (Tweet) often! Which region will emerge as the champion? You can probably guess who I'm rooting for, but who knows, maybe I'll surprise you and open myself up to a little gem from the Russian River Valley.
For more detailed information, please visit the invitation created by my Pinot-partner-in-crime Ed Thralls of Wine Tonite at http://pinotnoir.eventbrite.com/. Ed's even been helpful enough to include some basic instructions on how to get started on Twitter (so no excuses!!) and this blogpost by him could help you truly maximize your sales for this event!
All eyes will be on Pinot Noir between now and July 15th, so don’t miss the opportunity to have your brand in the spotlight and your region a contender for the title. If you have any questions or need any help, please don't hesitate to contact me (tbelgard@gmail.com). Spread the word and share this invitation with all the Pinot players you possibly know. This is one party the cops won't break up and one brawl that won't end up with pepper spray (well, not unless you want it to). It will however end with countless bottles of Pinot Noir being opened, consumed and talked about around the globe. My fickle Pinot noir will be the center of attention. As it should be.
If you're a winery, there are a number of ways you can make sure you're involved. First of all, I can't encourage you enough to try and get your wine into Tweeters hands. If you're on Twitter, you probably have a good idea of who the wine Tweeters and/or bloggers are. If not, we need to talk. Seriously. Another way to be involved is to organize Twitter tasting events with your cellar club and fan base. Invite these people in during the tasting time and offer them a little something special, they will be Tweeting (talking) about your brand with their entire following (which could be anywhere from 100-100,000 or more people who actually care about what they have to say). Oregon wineries, this could be just the easy kickoff into IPNC (International Pinot Noir Celebration) you're looking for. Wineries and retail establishments everywhere can offer discounted "Taste Packs" for sale at retail or on their websites. If you're not sure how to promote this event, please contact me, I'm here to make it an overwhelming success—let me help you.
One of my favorite women in wine, Andrea Robinson, Master Sommelier (whom I actually got to see speak at the Wine Bloggers Conference last week), is the designer of the new TheOne stemware collection and is also participating in this event. She's provided a a very special offer to participants, so be sure to take advantage:
50% off a 4-pack or single red stem of TheOneTM
4-Pack ($24.96 + s/h) Offer Code: PinotTweetupBox
Red Stem ($6.25 + s/h) Offer Code: PinotTweetupSingle
Order Here
"Joe Thralls" is the mutant creation of Ed Thralls and Joe Herrig, who tabulates #PinotNoir with reckless abandon :)
Hilarious, 2am brain meld. FIxing now, thanks!!
This sounds a little lame to me.
I picture lots of nerdy people, sitting in their basements, drinking wine and then tweeting about it.
But that's just me :)
So excited about this event. I'm looking forward to getting some Texas folks together for a little tweetup. Also, I love a good #pinotentendre :)
Oh Todd, you surprise me. You're thinking waaaayyyy too small. We need to chat, maybe over a bottle this weekend, I'll email you.
Ben, welcome to the Pinot Party!!
If anyone is in need of a bottle of Pinot Noir or wants to try a new one please email me at ccollier@wvv.com and I will gladly send you a sample of Willamette Valley Vineyards wine. :)
Lets make this an awesome event!
I don't tweet (yet.) But I figure I'll be a tweaker in 2 months, then tweeting will be ever so easy. Am a Pinot fan, but a Bordeaux man. We'll see if a Conti can over-cum a Leoville.
@ Christine:
I'd love a bottle.. Please send a 2006 Founders Reserve.
I'm a club member so you guys have my address :)
@tam... We're in sunriver for a week.. I went deep into the cellar for a few oldies but goodies.. If I was a wine blogger, I'd write about them, but I think I'll just drink them.
catch up soon :)
Christine, look out - throwing down BIG!!! Awesome!
Anon - if you open that Conti I'll have to hunt you down!
Todd - Enjoy Sun River, hope you have some sun. You are a blogger, pair that wine with meat, and voila voila!! Really hope to see you guys soon, been way too long!!
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